Print Sprog - Sprache - Taal Saturday, 27-07-2024
DK Camp
Bovbjerg Camping
Site info
Bovbjerg Camping
Juelsgårdvej 13
7620 Lemvig
Phone +4529882231
Send mail
Open: 12.03. - 24.10.
LON 8° 7‘ 32.2320'
LAT 56° 31‘ 41.1240'

Welcome to Bovbjerg Camping

We have modern bungalows, a small pool area, comfortable tent area and from many of the camp sites there is a magnificent view over the North Sea.

Along the beach the 42 meters high BOVBJERG cliff can be seen as a beautiful contrast to the North Sea. At the top of the cliff the beautiful BOVBJERG light tower is situated. From this spot sports flyers are exploiting the ultimate wind conditions for kite and model plane flying as well as for hang- and paragliding.

We are oben from
24/3 until 22/10

Call if necessary on 45 29882231

With only 300 meters to the beautiful North Sea BOVBJERG CAMPING has a unique situation in quiet, fascinating surroundings. This is what makes BOVBJERG CAMPING a peaceful and intimate place in harmony with the nature.




The season has just ended and we thank you all for choosing the camp site at Bovbjerg, Denmark. Have a nice winter and hope to see you and a lot of new guests in the new season.

In the future this camp site is to be found in German and Dutsch camp site guides.

On the playground we have installed an air pillow for the children to jump and play on.

For the adults we have installed "Hot Spot" which is wireless internet.


OBS !!! 

we have QUICK-stop for Autocamper, only Dkr 125,00
incl. 2 persons
+Enviromental fee Dkr. 30,00 + Energi fee  Dkr. 5.00  

+ Electricity pr. kwh Dkr. 5,50 and use of bath


Copyright ©  Bovbjerg Camping  2024  /  /  +4529882231  