Print Sprog - Sprache - Taal Saturday, 27-07-2024
DK Camp
Bovbjerg Camping
Site info
Bovbjerg Camping
Juelsgårdvej 13
7620 Lemvig
Phone +4529882231
Send mail
Open: 12.03. - 24.10.
LON 8° 7‘ 32.2320'
LAT 56° 31‘ 41.1240'


Prices pro. 

2023 Dkr.







Adult                    78,00             91,00                    78,00
Children (0-11 Years)                     45,00             54,00                     45,00
Senior (over 60 years)         Special price    67,00             91,00 Special price    67,00
Electricity                      45,00            45,00                      45,00
Camp fee site                      26,00             64,00                      26,00
Enviromental fee                      30,00             30,00                      30,00
Dog                     15,00             15,00                      15,00

Energi fee  Dkr. 5.00 pr. day

Electricity-caunter Dkr. 30,00       Electricity pr. kwh Dkr. 5,50


OBS !!! 

we have QUICK-stop for Autocamper, only Dkr 125,00
+ enviromental fee Dkr. 30,00 + Energi fee Dkr. 5,00
and use of bath

Discount for Senior citizens (60 + years):
In the Off-seasons the price is ONLY Dkr. 67,00 pro person pro night.

Discount when you stay longer:
At  21 nights 20% discount. At 28 nights 25 % discount for all periode per. person in your own caravan or tent.
(This discount don´t  goes for specialprices or  seniorprices) Only one discount can be given.

Other discounts from Bovbjerg Camping: Only one discount can be given.

In off-seasons you can camp FREE + electricity for caravans without any people between the weekends,for max 3 weeks.




                                      2023 Dkr.
                      All season         First part of season   Last part of season
                            24/3-22/10.        24/3-25/6.        13/8-22/10.

Place 100-907        8100,00            3500,00              1400,00
Enviromental fee      300,00             125,00                 125,00
Adults                      850,00              325,00                325,00
Children                      0,00                 0,00                    0,00
Guestcard                350,00              250,00                250,00
El per. kwh                 5,50                   5,50                 5,50
Minimun el               300,00               125,00               125,00
El-counterrente         400,00               200,00              200,00
Winter-keeping        700,00                700,00                700,00
(Children is living at home and are under 18 yers)

DAY GUEST without stay overnight:

Guestcard per day:          Children Dkr. 15,00             Adult Dkr. 20,00

AFTER 23.00 o´clock usual prices.

All prices is included taxes. Subject to increases in VAT and taxes.
And other prices that increases.

We have Privacy Policy on Bovbjerg Camping


Copyright ©  Bovbjerg Camping  2024  /  /  +4529882231  